I’m Andi Thomas

I’m an artist, a wanderer, and a lover of particularly aesthetic cake.

I have always wanted to be an artist. I was drawing since I could hold a pencil, and began experimenting with oil paints when I was 8. As a home-schooled child, I was encouraged to explore subjects I was passionate about; instilled with a love of learning and a drive to better myself. I used this encouragement as an opportunity to explore my artistic abilities, as well as an opportunity to cover my family’s school-room in paper, paint, and markers.

I owe my early successes in art to my parents, who encouraged and supported me through many charcoal smears on the wall and even more paint splatters on the carpet. Though I never had a formal art class or instructor until my college art credit, I have always endeavored to better myself and my artwork.

As a child, my family and I moved over 45 times while I was growing up.  I believe this experience has given me a unique perspective of the world. It also instilled a love of travel, an inquisitiveness into life and culture, and a desire to meet new people and have new experiences.

My goal is to use my experiences to create works of art that inspire love and hope in those who view them; hope in themselves, each other, and the world. As well as to expose people to interesting sights and ideas.

Every intrepid explorer knows that perseverance in the face of setback is the key to reaching any long term goal. As Winston Churchill once said: “If you’re going through Hell, keep going.”




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